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Photoshop CC 2018 v19.1.9中文精简直接学习激活,免登陆授权版 by vposy

  • 软件大小:未知
  • 更新日期:2019-09-09
  • 官方网站:闪电下载吧
  • 软件等级:★★★☆☆
  • 运行环境:Winxp/Win7/Win8/Win10
Photoshop CC 2018 v19.1.9中文精简直接学习激活,免登陆授权版 by vposy
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  • 投诉建议: 858898909@qq.com
Adobe Photoshopcc2018精简便携注册版是知名的图像及照片后期处理大型专业软件。Adobe Photoshop CC 是 Adobe Creative Cloud 创意云应用程序产品里的专业图片处理编辑软件,Photoshop CC 依然是数字图象处理和编辑的业界标准,提供广泛的专业级润饰工具套件,并集成了专为激发灵感而设计的强大编辑功能。Adobe Photoshop CC 让你享有更多的自由、速度和功能,让令人惊叹的图像栩栩如生。
PhotoshopCCPortable 19.0、PhotoshopCC v19.0 Portable、PhotoshopLite、Photoshop Lite、Photoshop Portable、PhotoshopPortable.exe、  PhotoshopCC2018Portable、PhotoshopCC2017Portable、Adobe Photoshop CC 2017 64位便携版、Photoshop绿色便携版、Photoshop便携版、PhotoshopCC破解版、PhotoshopCC绿色版、PhotoshopCC绿色便携版、PhotoshopCC免注册版、PhotoshopCC免安装版、Photoshop免安装版、Photoshop精简版、PhotoshopCS6、PhotoshopCS3、Photoshop CS3 免激活版、Photoshop CS6 精简版、PhotoshopCC2015.5、Adobe Photoshop CC 2017、Adobe CC 2015、PhotoshopCC2017Adobe Creative Cloud 2015设计套件,ps2015,ps2016,ps2017、Photoshop破解补丁,Photoshop破解版,Photoshop精简版,Photoshop中文特别版,Photoshop特别版,Photoshop精简安装版,Photoshop绿色版,Photoshop官方版,Adobe Photoshop 15,Photoshop2017绿色版、Photoshop2017破解版、Photoshop2018,Photoshop2015,Photoshop CC破解补丁,Photoshop CC注册机,ps激活,ps破解,ps绿色版,ps破解补丁,ps注册机,Photoshop注册机,Adobe Universal Patcher、adobe.snr.patch-painter,顶级图像处理软件,图像后期处理工具,婚纱摄影处理,设计工具,大型图像处理工具


2018年5月15号 Photoshop CC 19.1.4 版本发布
* Error ‘Could not complete your request because the file-format module cannot parse the file’ when opening image files
* Error ‘Could not create a new document. There isn’t enough room to display this document’ when no windows or tabs are open.
* Focus lost when sampling an image with Color Picker. Pressing the Enter key doesn’t apply the sampled color and close the Color Picker dialog
* Relative checkbox state in the Canvas Size dialog no longer saved across sessions
* Eyedropper tool can’t sample colors from outside the Photoshop app on Windows computer with NVIDIA drivers
2018年3月13号 (版本 19.1.2) 发布
更新 Adobe Camera Raw
2018年2月13号 (版本 19.1.1) 发布
将宽度或高度更改为100% 后 使用美工板工具时崩溃。
使用 Photoshop CC 版本19.1 的钢笔工具时的问题
当用户悬停显示时, 隐藏面板无法正确呈现
针对大型16位 RGB 图像运行失真过滤器时崩溃
在某些硬件配置中, 画布在浮动文档框架中的大小不正确。
当选择磁性套索工具时, 将其他游标更改为精确时崩溃
TIFF 文件是用齐标记数据编写的。
使用 “属性” 面板时出现问题: 默认跟踪值为 1, 负值不起作用。
镜头光晕预览重复175% 和225%。
用画笔工具悬停时, 消失点像素数据失真
在查找为 CanoScan 9000F 标记 II 扫描仪指定的路径时发出问题
“字符” 面板的 “字体名称” 字段中闪烁旧字体名称
2018-02-13  v19.1.1
- update Adobe Camera Raw CC
* Crash while using the Artboard tool after Width or Height is changed to 100%.
* Issues while using the Pen tool with Photoshop CC version 19.1
(macOS-only) Hidden panel not rendering properly when the user hovers to reveal them
* Crash while running distortion filters against large-sized 16-bit RGB images
* On certain hardware configurations, the canvas draws at the wrong size in floating document frames.
* Crash while changing the Other cursor to Precise when the Magnetic Lasso tool is selected
* TIFF files are written with unaligned tag data.
* Issue while using the Properties panel: The default tracking value is 1 and negative values don’t work.
* (Windows-only) Lens Flare preview repeats at 175% and 225%.
* Vanishing Point pixel data distorted while hovering over with brush tools
* Issue while finding the path specified for the CanoScan 9000F Mark II scanner

* (Windows-only) Old font name flashing in the Font Name field of the Character panel when arrowing through the fonts
2017-12-12 Adobe Photoshop CC 2018 v19.0.1.29687 直装破解完整版

by rexingnet.blogspot.com & zd423
Camera Raw增效工具、Spaces插件

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