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Siemens Simatic PCS 7.5 version 9.1 2021.4中文 含图文教程

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  • 更新日期:2022-10-31
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  • 软件等级:★★★☆☆
  • 运行环境:Winxp/Win7/Win8/Win10
Siemens Simatic PCS 7.5 version 9.1 2021.4中文 含图文教程
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SIMATIC PCS 7破解版在所有行业中实施了超过25,000个项目,是迄今为止世界上最成功的过程控制系统(DCS)之一。SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0版本现已发布供货,其众多改进和创新功能令人印象深刻,可进一步提高工程和工厂运营效率,并在处理,集成和数据一致性方面提供重大改进。用户。新版本特别强调新的硬件产品线 - SIMATIC ET 200SP HA和SIMATIC Compact Field Unit(CFU) - 通过有效利用PROFINET的功能将数字化降至现场级。除了投资保护,西门子为Simatic PCS 7 V9.0引入了更新,以提高过程自动化的灵活性。Service Pack 1实施了SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0过程控制系统中质量改进的措施。Simatic PCS 7 9.0版带有广泛的创新,为工厂操作员和维护人员提供更高的生产率和灵活性。特别受益于这种最先进技术的两个部门是能源部门和运输部门,它们基本上也是经济发展的主要推动力。在能源领域,软件可以提高所需的容量,从而更有效地控制负载管理系统,公用设施,运营和维护。同时在交通运输领域,该软件可以改善铁路电气化系统变电站的电力管理。工厂操作员还将受益于更大的灵活性,便利性以及与传统安装的广泛兼容性。此外,Simatic PCS 7 Version 9.0还可以支持过程工业控制操作,监控和报告。过程工业现在面临着如何在降低工厂成本的同时保持连续运行和一致的产品质量的几个挑战。在这方面,软件和新的I / O线ET 200SP HA和CFU在应对这些挑战方面发挥着重要作用,因为它通过用户友好性,高系统可用性,投资安全性,可以更快地响应不断变化的市场需求,未来安全技术,降低总体拥有成本。作为硬件,SIMATIC PCS 7 Version 9.0基于世界领先的工业以太网数据通信行业标准或称为PROFINET。PROFINET是自动化工业网络的既定标准,通过提供实时强大的工厂通信的先决条件,帮助推动基础设施开发和过程工业的数字化转型,这是当前大数据时代不可或缺的。闪电小编这里带来的是Siemens Simatic PCS 7 version 9.0 SP1完整安装包,内含授权工具,可以完美激活Siemens Simatic PCS 7 version 9.0 SP1,需要的就来下载吧!
2021.4.15更新Siemens SIMATIC PCS 7 v9.1 破解版


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PCS 7 Engineering


13.耐心等待Siemens Simatic PCS 7 version 9.0 SP1的安装


SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.1新功能介绍

The proven control system takes the next step towards for more scalability, availability and security in process automation. SIMATIC PCS 7 makes your plant fit for the future with more security, proactive lifecycle management and innovative plant engineering.
- Fail-safe I/Os with the powerful SIMATIC ET 200SP HA peripheral system
- Supports Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 and Windows Server 2019 - for more IT and future security
- Technological Engineering with the SIMATIC PCS 7 Plant Automation Accelerator V3.1
- Efficient upgrade strategies thanks to tailormade tools and services for a proactive Lifecycle-Management
 SIMATIC PCS 7 takes the many facets of safety into account
Safety is a key issue for everyone responsible in the process industry. It has many facets, ranging from process and plant safety to HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) issues and IT security.
Hardware innovations prepare for failsafe applications and explosion-hazard areas
In the future, you can also rely on the powerfulSIMATIC ET 200SP HA distributed I/O system in failsafe applications: The new failsafe modules are based on SIMATIC Safety Integrated and correspond to the standard modules in terms of their design. They are certified by TÜV SÜD for safety applications up to SIL 3. SIMATIC ET 200SP HA is therefore suitable for demanding safety and standard applications in process and manufacturing industries, where high availability and PROFINET R1 redundancy are essential. Intrinsically safe I/O modules for use in hazardous areas will soon be available for the SIMATIC ET 200SP HA. With the new modules, separate Ex isolators with corresponding wiring and large space requirements are no longer needed. The I/O modules can be installed up to ATEX zone 2 and provide intrinsically safe circuits with protection level Ex ia for field devices up to zone 0. The explosionproof modules offer channel diagnostics, Configuration in Run and are approved for ambient temperatures from -40 to +70 °C.
Protection at management and operational level
With the end of support for operating systems, plant owners/operators face an increased security risk due to the lack of security-relevant updates. The consequence: Newly discovered vulnerabilities are no longer closed and can thus be exploited unhindered by cybercriminals. Version 9.1 supports Windows Server 2019 Standard Edition 64 Bit and Windows 10 Enterprise 2019 LTSC 64 Bit and is compatible with our current Industrial Workstations (IPCs). This ensures that the latest Microsoft updates will be conveniently available for installation via the Microsoft Windows Server Update Service (WSUS). In addition, Windows Defender Antivirus is now released for SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.1. Together with our holistic industrial security concept (Defense in Depth), this provides the greatest possible protection against security vulnerabilities.
 Proactive life cycle management: efficient over decades
Process plants must be continuously kept up to date, especially due to their long operating life. This also applies first and foremost to process control technology. With Version 9.1 of SIMATIC PCS 7, efficient upgrade strategies can be implemented safely.
Systematically inventoried and always up-to-date
Plant performance always results from the interaction of the entire plant equipment. It is therefore important to know the status of the hardware and software used. But how do you keep track of hundreds of devices? With the SIMATIC Management Console (SMMC) integrated in SIMATIC PCS 7 and our Update Services, you get a detailed and up-to-date picture of the status of your automation infrastructure (software and hardware). This improves the proactive life-cycle management of your existing SIMATIC PCS 7 plant. The SMMC enables a convenient inventory of the installed base and a simplified comparison with the latest software and hardware updates. In interaction with the new webbased SIMATIC PCS myExpert application, this information is standardized, clearly displayed and monitored - even across multiple plants. Microsoft Windows updates are also managed via SMMC. Benefit from an even more comprehensive overview of available updates, obsolescence or the lifecycle status of individual assets. All Microsoft Defender events from all PCS 7 stations in a plant also converge in the SMMC.
Convenient monitoring of package units
It is only a small step from answers regarding the update and lifecycle status of the automation infrastructure to questions about the condition of machines, apparatus or package units (PU) such as centrifuges, dryers or weighing stations. Here, too, SIMATIC PCS 7 Version 9.1 offers comprehensive answers: The new SIMATIC Plant Asset Maintenance Station (PAM Station) is primarily designed to manage information from PU maintenance, diagnostics and condition monitoring. The status of each connected PU as well as the intelligent field devices is displayed in SIMATIC PCS 7 with clear operating screens and icons.
Generating added value from data - with the right IT solution
Another lever for more efficient plant management in future lies in previously unused process data, tags, alarms and batch data at runtime and from the past. With SIMATIC PCS 7 Process Historian (PH), this information can be archived and evaluated centrally and in real time. In addition to standard database interfaces such as ODBC, OLE DB and ADO.NET, data can now also be processed via OPC UA. This enables simple and standardized integration of third-party systems. The archive data is visualized via the Information Server (IS). Based on Microsoft Reporting Services, individual and target group-specific reports can be created very intuitively using interactive dashboards. Accessing and evaluating the volume of historical data for plant optimization requires a high-performance archiving, reporting and backup system. With SIMATIC DCS/SCADA Infrastructure, Siemens offers you a comprehensive IT solution consisting of hardware, software and customized services. Leave nothing to chance when it comes to data archiving, visualization and backup. For example, the right disaster recovery strategy plays a central role in resuming production after a failure and preventing data loss.
 Future-proof and efficient plant engineering
In addition to an up-to-date lifecycle status across all components, structured and systematic plant modeling in engineering also ensures productivity and thus ensures sustainable plant operation.
Automation information - standardized and reusable
With the object-oriented type and instance concept, SIMATIC PCS 7 has long enabled the definition of master templates with which an almost unlimited derivation of instances can be implemented. These templates or types enable reduced testing and maintenance efforts during modeling and comply with the general requirements of the ANSI/ISA standards ISA-88 and 106. Changes made to the master template can be synchronized with each instance - making it easier to adapt to new or changing requirements. SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.1 also comes with an updated master data library: The updateable and future-proof Advanced Process Library include a variety of ready-made, standardized and system-tested types such as Control Module Types (CMT) or Equipment Module Types (EMT). The technological connections and the creation of variants make especially the single Control Module Types (CMT) even more powerful compared to the original function block templates. Existing module types can be automatically converted to CM types.
Contemporary engineering: specific tools and consistent data flow
In addition, CMTs enable fast mass data engineering, which significantly reduces the risk of errors. Engineering can be performed using the SIMATIC PCS 7 Technological List Editor, a Microsoft Excel-based editor that requires no system-specific knowledge. In addition, the SIMATIC PCS 7 Plant Automation Accelerator creates the basis for fully integrated planning and documentation of plant automation projects. With the new version, process sequential controls and their corresponding types can be planned even more comprehensively and intuitively. The consistent matching of types and instances between planning and automation is done on a bidirectional basis.
SIMATIC PCS 7是面向未来的过程控制系统,用于“全集成系统”
●模块化结构化和可扩展的批处理系统SIMATIC BATCH
●灵活的路径控制系统,SIMATIC Route Control
PROFINET - 现场级数字化
- 基于PROFINET的工业以太网现场总线适用于过程自动化的所有应用程序传单:过程工业中的PROFINET 
- 用于专用小型PCS 7应用的新SIMATIC PCS 7 CPU 410E(E = Entry)(最多200个过程对象,固定)(参见条目号:109747903)
- 新的CPU 410-5H固件V8.2,具有Profinet的全面扩展IO配置(参见enrty ID:109476571)
- 冗余Profinet IO配置(R1)和系统冗余(S2)
- Profinet IO的事件序列(SoE)
- H系统(H-CiR)和单系统的运行配置( CiR)与Profinet IO 
- 新的存储器概念
- 通过安全事件的新安全功能和保护机制
- 事件管理(SIEM)和Profibus DP和Profinet IO接口的保护
- 两步固件更新
- 新型高可用性I / O系统SIMATIC ET 200SP HA,可满足过程自动化日益增长的需求(参见条目号:109747953)
- 通过分布式安装和数字现场总线的综合优势实现最大的灵活性使用传统IO'(参见条目号:109749357)
SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0工业工作站
- SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0软件的交付版本还包括预安装的SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0工业工作站实例。这些SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0工业工作站基于以下列表中的SIMATIC IPC系统和Microsoft操作系统。
- SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0 RACK IPC547G,IPC647D和IPC847D,带有Microsoft操作系统Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2015 LTSB 64位,用于ES / OS单站和OS客户端系统,以及Windows Server 2012 R2标准版64位,用于OS Server。
- SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0 BOX带有Microsoft操作系统的IPC627D / IPC677D Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2015用于SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0 BOX OS的LTSB 64位客户端和SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0 BOX ES / OS系统以及Windows 7适用于SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0 BOX RTX系统的Ultimate 32位。
- 新增功能:SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0 IPC427E / IPC477E OS客户端,带有Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Enterprise 2015 LTSB 64位操作系统
SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0 SP1中的扩展:
- Windows Server 2016标准版(64位)(新)
- SIMATIC F系统和安全矩阵
在Windows 10企业版2015 LTSB(64位)和Windows Server 2012 R2标准版(64位)操作系统下,PCS 7 V9.0中SIMATIC F-Systems和Safety Matrix的操作限制现已完全删除PCS 7 V9.0 SP1和SIMATIC F-Systems和Safety Matrix的软件更新。
- SIMATIC Compact现场单元
新的智能现场分配器 - SIMATIC Compact Field Unit(109749357)于2017年8月底发布,已集成在PCS 7 V9.0 SP1中。
关于SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0 SIMATIC PCS 7在所有行业中实施了超过25,000个项目,是迄今为止世界上最成功的过程控制系统(DCS)之一。SIMATIC PCS 7 V9.0版本现已发布供货,其众多改进和创新功能令人印象深刻,可进一步提高工程和工厂运营效率,并在处理,集成和数据一致性方面提供重大改进。用户。新版本特别强调新的硬件产品线 - SIMATIC ET 200SP HA和SIMATIC Compact Field Unit(CFU) - 通过有效利用PROFINET的功能将数字化降至现场级。除了投资保护,
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